Sit and relax is this conversation area. The loosely set flagstone patio planted with sedum between the joints meets a large sweep of turf and the woodlands beyond. More Details
Loosely Set Flagstone with Creeping Thyme Planted in the Gaps

Planters encourage experimentation as they change with the seasons. More Details

Sweeps of purple stachys, red bee balm, white shasta daisy, yellow black-eyed susan and green sedum are tidy yet casual. More Details

Large swaths of a few plants provide impact. The red flowers of the bee balm are in full bloom now. The purple coneflower will come along later in the season. More Details

Lush front entry plantings include the red wax leaf begonia, a bed of small round boxwood shrubs surrounded by the dark leaves of the coral bells. The light lift of the purple catmint and vinca groundcover. More Details

The irregular stone slabs of the walkway complement the more polished bluestone patio. Purple flowered penstemon on both sides of the walkway line the path to the back door. More Details

Abundant grasses and blooms surround this outdoor living room. In the foreground, a dense carpet of ajuga with their dark puckered leaves meet with tall grasses. Across the flagstone walkway is a large perennial bed bursting with color from white shasta daisies, red bee balm, purple stachys, and orange daylilies. More Details

This elevated bluestone patio is ringed in outcropping stone. Plantings between the large limestone slabs soften the appearance and potted annuals provide seasonal color. More Details

This overhead detail photo shows the exploded flagstone patio with creeping thyme planted between the joints. More Details

This curved bluestone walkway is lined with lush plantings. The lime green flowers of the lady's mantle contrasts beautifully with the deep eggplant color of the coral bells. The mass of crimson red astilbe and white Annabelle hydrangea complete the look. More Details

One of the hallmarks of Van Zelst landscape design is continuous color throughout the season. The view from this bluestone patio provides enjoyment throughout the season. More Details

This large sweeping perennial bed is bursting with color with purple Hummelo lamb's ear in the foreground to the crimson red of the bee balm. Coral bells, astilbe, and fading allium flowers provide interest. More Details