Lawn Care

An expanse of thick, green turf grass is the epitome of summer—inviting people to play games and walk barefoot, and family pets to lie in the sun. But lawn care can be a great deal of work. So many Van Zelst clients leave weekly lawn care to the professional Van Zelst landscape maintenance team.

Worm-based, organic nutrients

Many of our clients choose organic fertilizer as a better option for their families and pets. Van Zelst works closely with TerraVesco, maker of Vermicompost and Vermi-extract soil amendments made from worm castings. Vermicompost is created in carefully controlled worm beds, in which organic matter is transformed into weed- and disease-free organic fertilizer. These products can be mixed into the soil or sprayed onto plants to add nutrients as needed throughout the season. Research proves that these high-performance worm compost products introduce important organic nutrients into the soil, nourishing plants and fighting disease and pests.

Leave the lawn care to Van Zelst

Summer in northern Illinois and southeast Wisconsin is too short to spend your time mowing and adding fertilizer. Let the Van Zelst lawn care team keep your lawn beautiful and worry-free. Contact us today.